I was aghast when I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I weighed 117 kg.

And I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I only barely made it through a 30-minute aerobics session on an old DVD.

Nobody said a journey of a thousand klicks had to have an auspicious start.

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2022: In Rear View: Addendum

Self Control, the 1984 Laura Branigan album, is a decent mid-80s pop album propelled by the arresting vocals of Laura Branigan.  The cassette tape, released alongside the LP and CD in 1984, is one of the best-mastered tapes I’ve ever listened to.  The engineers mastering the tape version of the album did a fantastic job of making Laura’s voice maintain its trademark warmth and power when recorded to tape, and her backing band doesn’t overwhelm.

You owe it to yourself to explore tape releases of your favourite albums, if you listen to a lot of artists from before 2000, for pre-loudness wars masters of these albums.

The November 2022 Movie Haul

I’ve started collecting movies on Blu-Ray and DVD, making up for lost time and diversifying my entertainment options.  I’ve put my CD, vinyl, and cassette collecting on hold for the moment, as I’ve had to take down my hi-fi set (to make more room for video game systems that I’m using for Respawn Point).

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